Helping Teens Learn Skills for Well-Being
SWell is on a mission to bring teens science-based strategies & tools to help them navigate life’s hard stuff and cultivate more of the good stuff
What teens are saying about SWell
What teens are saying about SWell •
"We all experience stressful things, but especially as high schoolers, we are facing anxiety 24/7. This course helps show helpful and effective ways to focus on the joys of life rather than this stress."
"SWell gave me lots of insight into my own behavior, what is driving it and how to change habits I don't like."
"As a senior a lot of my classes feel pointless, but this one does not. I have learned so many skills that I will take with me for the rest of my life."
"This class can directly help with a high schooler’s life; it definitely influenced the way I go about mine."
"This class gave me concrete, specific tools to improve my happiness"
"It made me feel less alone in my problems and normalized my feelings."
"I loved the Wednesday night sessions, they were so fun and light hearted. The thing I loved most about them is the openness of the conversations and the very low stress, positive environment. I frequently found myself looking forward to the next module."
"I learned how to manage many different aspects of my emotions, mind, and body, that I did not know were even causing me issues before."
"A lot of us go through similar struggles so it was helpful to know I am not alone."
"I would recommend to a friend as I found it incredibly helpful and fun. It was definitely a highlight of my week."
"My key take-away was managing stress and how to become a better person as a whole. I've applied so much from this class in my regular life and I've seen great changes."
"I shared the information I learned with my mom. She ended up doing the course along with me as she thought it would be beneficial to her as well as myself."
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